Banquet Registration: Am I doing it right?

So, I wasn’t able to register for the conference because the site was down and once I was able to get through the $205 tier had sold out. I’m waitlisted for the conference, but what about the banquet? As far as I can tell, there’s no way to buy a banquet ticket without a conference registration. I could register for a lower-tier conference package to make sure I can get into the banquet, but then I’m just forcing someone else onto a waitlist unnecessarily.

I’d get the $195 ticket with Banquet.  The only difference from the full ticket is the Thursday seminars, right?

I’m sure you could find something to do on Thursday afternoon  :wink:

that’s what I did, sans banquet. I’ll probably regret that but this trip is pushing the expense envelope anyway and 50 bucks is a bit much. I’ll catch Mr Paxton at the northern california homebrew conference.

Thursday is only 3 hours of seminars and they are all repeated on Friday/Saturday. Thursday socials are still included in the “No Thursday” ticket.

That’s what I decided to do in the end. I hope there’s stuff to do as a tourist in Philly.

Plenty to do in Philly. Lots of history, plenty of shopping and just a really interesting place to visit. Definitely a beer city destination! Depends on what you’re interested in doing.

Meals locally at beer places, Chinatown, Reading Terminal Market and other locations are worth being in town.

And you’ll fit right in with your alien cowboy hat.  :wink: ;D :slight_smile:

I haven’t been there since ?85?  The Reading Terminal is cool.  Good food in Chinatown too.
Don’t forget the cheesesteaks.

All three are still good!  Don’t forget the Italian Market on 9th street in South Philly too.