Basic Yeast Stock List for LHBS

Hey all

I am trying to help my friend/LHBS owner develop a ‘regular stock’ list of yeasts - he’s been getting too much of too many unique use yeasts that wind up getting old and expiring, so I offered to help put together a listing of about 10 to cover most of the bases.  He is still going to offer custom orders for what he doesn’t regularly carry.

What do you think?  (He wants to stick to WL) I am particularly interested in thoughts on the Belgians - I don’t brew those, so I am only going on what I perceive you guys use.

  • 001 Cali
    002 English Ale
    007 Dry English Ale
    028 Scottish
    380 Hefe IV
    400 Witbier
    500 Trappist Ale
    570 Golden Ale
    830 German Lager
    833 German Bock Lager


For Belgians I’d recommend keeping WLP500, 530 and 550.

Yeah, 530 is my go to yeast for the belgians I brew.

This is mine for Belgian yeasts that are not Wit beer.

My house german lager yeast are 830 and 833.  Good job!

I’m assuming he stocks most of the dry yeast too. Can’t forget that. Big sellers.

WLP051 California Ale V.

Going to need some 810 San Fran Lager to make Steam Beers.  My personal fav!  :wink:

I think it’s a good basic selection.  You might want to add the Irish yeast to the list.  You can make almost any style with what you have listed.  But it sort of depends on the area and what his customers want.

WLP840 American Lager Yeast is a must.  I use it for my BIG IPL as it is a very clean yeast that attenuates great.


In my club, the 500 and the 550 strains seemed to do well in this year’s intraclub Belgian Ale competition. 
My understanding is that the first-place winning pale ale and dubbel both used the 550 strain.
WL500 = Chimay (WY1214), WL530 = Westmalle (WY3787), and WL550 = Achouffe (WY3522) yeast strains respectively.

Also, an alt/kolsch may be a good choice as well, WLP011 or WLP029.

WLP029 makes a great kolsch / blonde ale for the macrobrew drinkers that come over to my place.  Ferment cool and lager, and its clean.