I’m new to all grain brewing (and brewing in general) and so far have had good success. However with my last brew I clearly wasn’t paying attention to the recipe instructions (a Porter).
With hindsight the recipe stated heat 7 gallons of water and fly sparge til you collect your volume for the boil over around an hour.
I read it as batch sparge with 7 gallons for an hour.
So - what affect will this have had?
I’ve tried Googling and nothing bad comes back from batch sparging too long. Is that true?
On the plus side my OG ended up being 1.071 when the target was 1.063-1.068. My yeast can cope with that OG so all is good right?
This obviously lead to the problem which made me realise my initial error. I now have way too much for my boil.
So I took to Google and the general opinion was boiling over an hour as long as you don’t add hops won’t do anything bad other than generate caramelised flavours. My sugars are spread over way too much liquid now - if I ditch liquid I lose sugars and final alcohol and that sucks!
I thought ‘this is a porter - that can’t be too bad’. So I pre-boiled for an hour to reduce my volume then when I was down to where I wanted to be went back to following the recipe and made my first hop addition and boiled for 60 mins to get my final 5.5g.
Now I don’t think what I did above is going to cause me an issue - but wondering was leaving my initial mash in the boil pot waiting for my sparge have caused DME production that will affect my final beer?
I’m sure it’s all going to turn out ok - just wondering what impact my ‘slight’ deviations from the instructions will have caused
Thanks in advance for your replies!