“Pours a clear strawberry blonde with a nine-inch head. Stunning lacing.
Excellent earthy nose, maybe a little mango and coffee. Absolutely
disgusting biscuity flavor, with marzipan and hops. Elegant mouthfeel
and slightly dry finish. Score: 4.98/5.”
“Pours a vivid pitch black with a cumulonimbus head. Amazing lacing. Delicate biscuity aroma, maybe a little cilantro and baking soda. Excellent tart taste, with just a hint of caramel and pine. Heavy mouthfeel and saccharine finish. Score: 4.06/5.”
Cilantro and baking soda??? Sounds like on of Drew’s beers!
Pours a hazy chestnut with a thick, rocky head. Sexy lacing. Intense sour scent, with notes of bourbon and lilac. Overweening boozy taste, with overtones of sherry and rosewater. Dense, dense mouthfeel and bitter, bitter finish. Score: 3.37/5.
Pours a turbulent black with a thick, rocky head. Amazing lacing. Nightmarish fruity aroma, with notes of molasses and biscuit malt. Beautiful biscuity taste, accompanied by strawberry and bacon. Gritty mouthfeel and bitter finish. Score: 3.89/5.
Pours a murky wheat-straw color with a cumulonimbus head. Heavy lacing. Absolutely disgusting herbal aroma, with old newsprint and pine. Disturbing hoppy palate, with just a hint of bubblegum and marzipan. Chalky mouthfeel and disappointing finish. Score: 2.04/5.
Actually, a bit like the last $12.00 “extreme” brew I bought.
Pours a dense orange with a two-finger head. Beautiful lacing. Stunning buttery scent, accompanied by cola and tarragon. Lovely musty palate, with just a hint of raisin and circus peanut. Silky smooth mouthfeel and long, long finish. Score: 3.40/5
Ha! Not Jolly Rancher but Circus Peanuts! Now there’s an idea! :o
Pours a turbulent coffee color with a ruddy brown head. Half-decent lacing. Brilliant lemony nose, maybe a little old newsprint and banana. Lovely yeasty palate, with forward alcohol and bourbon. Chalky mouthfeel and light finish. Score: 4.60/5.
Pours a turbulent light brown with almost no head. Very light lacing. Nightmarish smoky scent, with just a hint of circus peanut and hamster cage. Overweening yeasty palate, with overtones of forward alcohol and plum. Non-descript mouthfeel and thin finish. Score: 2.31/5.
Pours a turbulant chunky ruby brown with an explosive bottle bursting bedrock head and a petrous lacing. Smokey barnyard aroma, with just a hint of horse hair and a muskrat nose. Dazzling bicuit profile with overtones of turpentine and fig. Pulverant mouthfeel with a lip puckering rancid finish. Score: 1.04/5