Beer Smith for the iPhone?

I am thinking about getting an i Phone is there an app for brewing, right now I am using Beer Smith.

Here’s one:

I think I have it but I can’t remember anything about it.  I had an iPod touch, but after I got my Droid, I gave it to my son.

I use beer smith as well.  And have a couple on my phone (brewpal, Ibrewmaster, brewmath, mybrew)  I don’t use any of them.  The perfect Iphone app would have an online component for my laptop for entering data, then have that available on the Iphone for use in the brewery…

I don’t know of any that do that.

I’ve been using brewpal for awhile now - it’s nice!  Has a good amount of customizability (though certainly not a Beer Smith replacement) especially considering the price and portability.  I like being able to email my recipe sheet and have it in a larger format.  Also nice are the mash and boil timers built in that will notify you based on your entries when it’s time for hop charges, Irish Moss, etc.  Has a fairly comprehensive ingredients list though I notice some of the latest yeast strains are not in there yet.

i use and really like brewpal.

I just started using Ibrewmaster and am pretty happy with it.

Beer Alchemy synchs between the iPhone and my laptop, although I just started using it and can’t really say how well it performs.

Thanks Dude, I’ll give it a try.

Bummer, it’s MAC only.

Anyone know of a Windows product that will synch with an IPhone App?