ibrewmaster iPad app

Anyone here tried this app yet? I’ve been using Brewsmith on my old PC at home, but at work we are increasingly a MacBook/iPad environment, and I have been encouraged to use my iPad for personal use.

Although I have tried several brew apps on my iphone, I haven’t tried that one.  Some are useful, but I kept finding myself tinkering with an app instead of working on the brew itself.  I use Beersmith to formulate my recipes and schedules, then good old pen and paper in a brew log during the brewing process.  I find it faster than trying to type on a virtual keyboard, and I don’t have to worry about anything happening to electronics while brewing.  When I have downtime I type all my notes and stuff into Beersmith for historic purposes.

I haven’t tried it either.  It looks really good, but I am waiting for a BeerSmith or BeerAlchemy version to come out for the iPad.

If you have a Mac you can get BeerAlchemy for the Mac and the BeerAlchemy app for the iPhone.  The Mac version can send recipes to the iPhone or iPad and you can tweak them there or create batches on brew day from existing recipes.  Data can also be synced back to the Mac and stored there.  You can also import BeerXML files into it from other programs.  It’s a pretty good alternative if you’re also looking for something Mac-based.

I just use BeerAlchemy directly on the iphone.  Works fine.  IIRC, it doesn’t have an iPad-specific version so it just has the lame 2x scaled-up version.  It will work, but it’s not the best use of the available real estate.  I’ve been meaning to contact the developer and see if something is in the works.

i’ve used it, but i prefer brew pal.

Yes, that’s my workflow too… don’t want sticky fingers on the iPad, anyway. :slight_smile: But I have used the iPad as a cookbook during cooking and find I really like that (e.g. if I’m using an Epicurious recipe–then I don’t have to print it out), and during brewing I’m not recording anything that can’t go on a post-it.

My bigger issue is that I almost always have my iPad with me when I’m out and about, and leisure/waiting time is a great time for tinkering with recipes. I have brewpal but find it limited.

I don’t have an iPad, but the situation is similar with the iPod/Phone. I found that a good spreadsheet app (I have Mariner Calc and DocsToGo) is a very helpful tool and more useful for me than any of the brewing apps. I have build a few spreadsheets that help with brewing calculations.

I’d love to see a complete system that supports all the calculations and data tracking I want to do and where the input on the mobile device can be as simple as selecting the batch and what type of data (temp, gravity, notes, pH etc.) and the system would add the current time and put in in a data base on the main computer from which I can later generate charts, timelines, etc. Maybe even a web interface to share these views.


I beta test for the developer and he’s currently focusing on bringing the Mac version of BeerAlchemy up to date with a handful of revisions versus focusing on an iPad app.  I assume after he’s done with the Mac version he’d update the iPhone versions of his software and then roll out an ipad version. He has a blog up where he’s soliciting new feature requests. It’s worth it to reach out to him and let him know what you’re looking for. He’s very receptive to new ideas.

Just installed BeerAlchemy and really like what I see so far… thanks. The profiling is excellent, particularly for us small-batch folks. I have a couple of quibbles but nothing huge.

I know this is an old thread but wanted to add my info on this matter.

I just started using ibrewmaster for my I phone (3GS) and have to say I am pretty happy with it. I like the fact that I can have all my info on any batch with me. I have a few craft beer drinkers that are always asking me what kind of hops or spices are in a certain brew. I always find my self running around looking for the spread sheet (beer smith) I used to brew with. Now I can just look it up on my phone (at home or out on the go).

I am in no way related or part of ibrewmaster.  I am just passing on my thoughts.