My lovely wife gave me an iPad for my birthday. I’ve found lots of timewasters for it, but I’d like some that relate to beer and/or homebrewing. Anybody have suggestions for me?
I know! How about Tapatalk so you’ll be able to quickly read the AHA forum following this afternoon’s upgrade!
Take a look at BeerAlchemy. No connection, just a happy user. I think it’s worth it for the brew day calculators alone.
iBrewmaster for a calculation program
I’m going to create an app to take your BAC called “Piss Test”. It will post pictures online of people drunk/stupid enough to believe that peeing on their ipad is a good idea
i got ibrewmaster (on iphone) at the beginning of the year and like it quite a bit.
I did not like BrewPal for my iphone. I do like BrewMath, but its just a collection of calculators, not a brewing program like Promash.
just helping
I’m using iBrewmaster as well. It’s OK. I probably haven’t figured out all that it can do yet but I like the timer for reminding me when to get off my butt and add hops etc. It doesn’t have all the ingredients in the world but you can type in anything missing (like Sorachi Ace hops for instance…)
the bjcp style guidlines are available on iphone and should be for ipad as well
Yep, got them.
Got it!
I like brewmath. All the calculators you need in one place.
Thank you
Happy Birthday!