belgian dark strong ale

i’m looking to make a belgian dark strong ale. i saw a couple of recipes on the brew wiki link that’s here and thought both had too complex of a grain bill for me at least…not knocking them, i just dont’ have access to all the ingredients. so here’s what i’m looking to do at least grain bill wise…

Pilsner Malt (2 Row) Belgium 12 lbs
Munich Malt                 4 lbs
D2 candi syrup            2 lbs
Biscuit Malt                 0.5 lbs
Caraaroma                                 0.5 lbs
Caramunich Malt                 0.5 lbs

am i way off track? will this just end up like a massive dubbel? would that be a bad thing?

I would simplify it a little bit more, as I personally like these beers to be full of flavor from the yeast and candi sugar but otherwise dry.  You could drop the biscuit and maybe cut the munich down and still get a beer with plenty of malt flavor.

I agree with the more simplification. But I’d also get some Special B in there. I really like that malt in a dark style. Maybe sub in for the Caramunich.

+1 on the Special B.  For that style I would definitely get it in your grain bill.  Be careful though, a little bit goes a long way!

from my experience, caraaroma lies somewhere between c120 and special B…i’d say it’s got more special B in it than 120 as well…but, just looking at some of the recipes posted on the brew wiki it lead me to believe these were supposed to have somewhat complex grain bills. i prefer simplifying it, so i may end up taking up both of these recommendations.

Just playing “devil’s advocate”:  The mantra to “simplify the grain bill” may not be the right thing for a BDS.

JZ and JP’s book “Brewing Classic Styles” lists an awesome BDS recipe on pg 244-246 that uses 7 different malts and cane sugar.  Since it took first place in the final round at NHC, you might want to start there!

I’ve tasted an out-of-this-world BDS brewed by members of our homebrew club that reportedly used 8 different malts and Candi sugar.  Nearly the same as above plus a little Crystal 120.  Scores of 45/50 are common by the better brewers of this recipe.

Good luck!

It’s the right advice according to the trapping monks in Belgium ;)  jamil can do what he wants but it’s not necessarily traditional.

lots of malts or simple…i just want something that will knock my socks off…is that too much to ask?  :wink:

There are the recipes pre BLAM and Dark Syrup, and those after.

Keep it simple with the Dark Syrup.

Pilsner Malt 14 lbs
Munich Malt                1 lbs
D2 candi syrup             1 bottle

hop to 30-35ibu