Parti-Gyle Belgian Dark Strong

So, I am considering brewing a Belgian Dark Strong this weekend.  Thinking of doing something a little different for simplicity sake.  Planing on doing a parti-gyle with 90% Pils, 10% 5-10% Munich.  Using only the first runnings for the BDS.  Using candi sugar for the color and to dial in my desired gravity; either a pound each of  D2 and dark for a little complexity, or just 2 pounds of D2.  Not sure I need or want any crystal-type malts for the first runnings?  Mash 147-148F, 90+ minute boil. R/O water with CaCl2.  I have big, fresh, healty pitch of Westmalle from a local brewery that is calling my name! :D  I have Denny’s 400th batch slightly in mind for a base beer…

Anyone having any tips, suggestions, or pitfalls?  I have not done a parti-gyle before.  Plan on using Kai’s calculator.

Also, I can’t decide what beer to make with the second runnings…Belgian? Hybrid? Some bastardized American-style ale?  Anyone have suggestions?


After the first runnings, put in a pound of 60-80L crystal and do an English Pale Ale.

Most BDS’s Have some Special B in them. I am not sure you will get the color you desire with just candy sugar. As for your second runnings I would use the same yeast and have a Belgian Dark Single. Good luck!

I am trying to avoid the “obligatory” Special B addition.  If I “do” add it, it will be small.  I need to go back and review BLAM…

I think you’ll get the color you want from 2lbs of dark candi syrup.  My last BDS was quite dark.  I would have actually like it a bit lighter and more ruby, but it was damn tasty and there is none left.

I also think a simple malt bill will let the flavors from the candi syrup come through nicely.

I’ve got a dubbel that should be ready to keg next weekend that is pretty much just pils, munich and d-90.  The color looks good.

If I were to do a second running beer with the same yeast, then I think I’d add some CaraMunich or CaraVienne for the 2nd runnings and do a Belgian Amber.

I have a few other yeasts on hand, so I am not necessarily tied to any one particular style.  I would have to make a starter, obviously.  But, I think I have a hybrid yeast, English, American, lager, and Belgian yeast all in the fridge.  In all likelihood, it will probably be a Belgian-style ale :wink:

Here’s my recipe…no Special B, but I used 2 lb. of D180 syrup.

Thanks Denny!  What do you think the Caramunich provided?  Also, why the turbinado sugar in addition to the D-180?  Thanks for the link.

The CaraMunich gives it body and richness.  The turbinado was partially to increase the sugar % and partially for flavor.

Just for simplicity sake and to try something new I went with 90% pils/10% Munich only.  150F mash. After a 105 minute boil, had a 1.090 OG golden ale.  Pitched the Westmalle yeast at 60F, slowly ramped up to 68F which is where it currently resides.  Added 1lb of D2 and some additional fresh yeast today.  Debating between another pound of D2 vs. the Dark Candi sugar, tomorrow?  Thoughts?

Second runnings were topped of with Pils, Vienna, Munich, Caramunich, and Carafa II for a Dusseldorf Alt.  Presently fermenting at 58F with WY1007.

Thanks for all the advice, especially Denny!  I let everyone know how it turns out…next year! :stuck_out_tongue: