Belgian Golden Ale...Which Sugar Addition

I plan on brewing a fairly straight forward Belgian Golden Ale recipe this weekend.  Continental pilsner, WLP570, R/O water with CaCl2.  Duvel fermentation profile based on Brewing Like A Monk.  But, I am debating my sugar addition at high krausen.  Should I go standard beet sugar, or use honey.  I like to support local growers, but I also like the subtle aromatics of orange blossum honey.  Just seeing what everyone else thinks. Thanks!

Choose one option:
  • Beet Sugar
  • Local Honey
  • Orange Blossom Honey
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I’d keep it to sugar, but I’m kinda traditional like that.

I like to go with just plain sugar but then again I haven’t played around with other options for this recipe.  I kinda like the honey idea but you’ll also be getting a pretty strong aroma profile from the yeast so if it’s too subtle you might not really be able to pick it up.

I am going with the local honey simply because it’s local and I like honey. But I would think the beet sugar would be more traditional. wouldn’t waste my money on the orange blossom honey as it’s not going to stand up to the yeast as tygo mentioned.