Belgian Golden Strong Water & Bru'n Water

Planning on a Belgian Golden Strong this weekend, with a standard malt bill of approximately 20lbs Belgian Pilsner Malt in the Mash (adding 3 lbs of sugar to the kettle).  This is for a 10 gallon batch.  I’m having a hard time getting to water profile (building from RO) that aligns with Yellow Dry in Bru’n Water and gets me to an acceptable pH range.  Can anyone give me a recommended profile and mineral additions that estimates a reasonable pH?  If you can provide the gram/gal for each mineral that would be great.


I’m guessing your a bit high and need acid. I use lactic acid.

Agree with Stevie. Your going to need to acidify. Minerals alone probably wont get you there. Use lactic or phosphoric and make sure to enter the strength in appropriately in BrunWater.

At this point I do not have a pH meter and don’t plan to buy one before this weekend (on my wish list).  If I follow Bru’n Water when adding in an acid should it be reliably close?  I’m thinking it will be, but just wanted some other users experience.

IME, yes. I would shoot for 5.4 to give yourself some leeway.

Yep. Target 5.4

Match the water profile and then add acid to get into the right ph range. You will get into the ph range you want but lose the bicarb.

Thanks everyone.  A pH meter is next on the list.