Belgian Porter - teaching brew

I’m teaching a few friends to brew this weekend, so I’d like to do a kit from my LHBS (with a few curveballs for my sake).

I want to take their basic robust porter kit, but “belgianize” it with about 0.5 lb Special B and Wyeast’s Abbey Ale yeast.

A few questions:

Does this sound like a tasty brew?

Should I go with fermentation temp around 65F or 72F? I like a clove character in a porter that I could get from 65F, but I’m thinking the high temps might give me a banana-chocolate combo, which combined with the raisiny Special B could be good!

I had the same question receintly when I wanted to brew an English IPA with a Sothern German Lager yeast.  I chose the yeast because it doesn’t attenuate as high, leaving the required English maltyness.  My mentor initally said he wouldn’t do it because a traditional English ale yeast would be more accurate for the style.  After I indicated that I was going ahead anyway, he said “That was why we homebrew, to make a beer the way that suits us, the brewer”. 
  The beer was great and won a blue ribbon in the IPA flight at a major competition (over 500 entries).
  I say “Go for it!”.  If it’s good make sure you enter it in a Pro Am style competition.