Belgian Single

I see that Wyeast recommends the 3787 but I was wondering if anybody had used the 1214. I have the 1214 but not 3787. If it’s essential I can drive about 40 miles and pick it up. Thanks so much - Tom

I think 1214 is fine.  I have not used it but have tasted it in a father’s beer.  It was good.

1214 works perfectly fine here, really well. Keep fermentation fairly cool for either though - like 63F for 2 or 3 days, then warm a couple dF/day up to room temp. Go too warm and you’ll end up with a banana bomb.

Thanks guys. Appreciate the feedback.

Have you used 1214?  If you have and you liked it, great.  Otherwise, I’d advise you to stick with 3787.

I read in another article, zymurgy I believe, that spencer Trappist brewery uses a strain similar to Chimay 1214 in their single. Good beer btw

1214 is a great yeast.  Having had a couple of glasses of Chimay Doree at their tavern a few years ago, I can attest it makes a fine single.  :smiley:

I just made the Candi Syrup recipe for Doreé last week. Hoping it turns out as good as it smelled going into the fermenter and during fermentation.

Thanks everyone for your input. It was very helpful. Denny - was there something about 1214 you didn’t like? I’ve used both and I think they both had their own advantages. Thanks.

Did you brew this up?

Not yet! I’m going to try to find the time this week. I will post results when I get the brewing underway. Thanks for all your help.