Getting Close to Chimay Red

I tasted a recent dubbel against Chimay Red last night, and I think it is the closest that one of my brews has gotten to it’s commercial inspiration (flavor-wise anyway, the color is a bit off).

The Chimay has a slightly deeper cherry/leather flavor than mine, but they are very, very similar.

Hopefully the yeast will drop out soon. It’s been a while since I last used 1214, but my recollection is that it doesn’t flocc very well (it’s only been in cold storage for a week and a half).


Homebrew is on the left, Chimay’s on the right.

I was very successful with WLP530 one time – one time.  Tasted wonderful and scored a 41 in competition.  I have tried to brew it 2 or 3 times since then and it’s never been the same.  I need more practice with the Belgians.  I will be running a couple of experiments this year, trying to clone not Chimay but this time La Fin du Monde.  Very soon.  By like April or May I will know more.

If the flavor is on point just use some sinamar to get color in line.

The homebrew is the darker one.  Try a little less color malts and/or dark syrup, and maybe boil for a little shorter time – 45 minutes or even less might be good enough.  Save any dark syrups for the end of the boil for sure.  These things will help you nail the clone.

Sorry, I screwed that up.  The homebrew is on the left; I’ll edit the post.

Well shoot, then maybe I should edit my post then!  I think it’s easier if I just say this:

What Big Monk said.

Or use an ounce of Carafa III or something like that.

Ah, that’s so much easier.  :slight_smile:

I knew what you meant even if you didn’t!

I know my Chimay colors man!

As do I… I thought it might just be a camera lighting thing, or a computer monitor variability thing?  But yeah I know what you mean.

What was your approach on the recipe? Fermentation?

Nothing too crazy

German Pils - 76.9%
Torrified Wheat - 7%
Cara 8 - 5.2%
Aromatic - 3.5%
Acid Malt - .4%
Candi Syrup D45 - 7%

1 oz EKG - 60 min
1.25 oz SG - 30 min

2 one month old smack packs of 1214

I pitched at 68°, oxygenated for 90 seconds, and then put it in the ferm freezer with the controller set to 66°.  I let it rise up to 72 over the next 3 days and finish out there before racking it to the serving keg with priming solution.

My experience with 1214 is that it can throw more banana than I’m into, so I stopped using it for a while.  I’m not really sure why it worked out well this time.

Is that your typical fermentation schedule or did you change something this time about oxygenation, temperature or pitch rate?

Pretty typical

I usually pitch at 68°, hold it there for 24 to 48 hours, and then let it rise up into the low 70’s.

The reason I ask is that I’ve been doing a lot of research on ester synthesis and higher alcohol production, with Trappist yeast in particular being the driving force.

I have heard many people talk about the banana flavors they get from 1214 when fermenting at higher than normal (64 F) temperatures and I am always looking for data points to the contrary, especially since my own experience contradicts that.

Do you usually pitch 2 packs of yeast and aerate the same?

Does it even ferment well at 64°?

Up until about a year ago, I made a yeast starter for every batch.  These days I will often just pitch 2 smack packs for a moderate gravity ale.  I do aerate the same.

This is definitely the best beer I’ve gotten with 1214.  I plan to use it some more.

I always start fermentation of Chimay yeast at 63F.  No problems.

Really cool to hear. I’m trying to get a post together on ester synthesis and higher alcohols with these yeasts. Hopefully this month. I’ve personally never had good luck with it when I try to hold it cool. I usually pitch at 66 and let it ride into the low 70s.