Beligan Quadruple Recipe opinions

Good afternoon! Hope everyone is fine! Just wanted get some feedback and opinions on my recipe to make a Belgian Quad. Any ideas, suggestions or criticism will be appreciated.

Thank you!

All in all pretty good.

1/  Is the candi sugar in the form of candi syrup like D180, hopefully?

2/  I’d drop the carapils and replace it with the 2.8% as more D180. This beer will have tons of body as is and won’t need any extra help. The extra candi syrup will give it even more dark fruit, Trappist character.

3/  Personally, I’d extend the mash to 152F for 90 minutes.

Yep, everything is syrup, d180. I do have some rocks to adjust gravity in case something went wrong, which I doubt.

My idea of the carapils is for head retention, as I understand that the more alcohol beer has, the harder is to retain head and I would like to improve it in that way.

I’ll consider your mash idea as am I’m not 100% with mine yet.


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I’ve never thought carapils is very effective for head retention. That same amount of flaked barley will give infinitely better foam FWIW. Good luck!

I don’t think adding carapils or flaked grain is going to do much for head retention on a big quad, and frankly I don’t think the style needs it.

While I like the idea of combining C-120 with Special B in a quad, that seems like a bit much crystal malt in total for this style. Maybe cut the C-120 by half?

Yeast choice is a matter of personal preference, and 3787 will do just fine, but I think 1762 (Rochefort) really shines in this style. If you’re not set on the yeast, consider going with the 1762.

Yeah, I just noticed that you are using kg’s as your measurement. I think 1 kg is enough D180. Is the new D240 released yet to the public? If so, I’d look into that. I agree with Eric, there’s a lot of crystal there. I think that I would cut the 120L and carapils altogether. Maybe consider adding some Munich to the grist. Special B is good stuff. However, I do think that your recipe will make a fine beer.