Cherry Belgian Quad

Hey everybody its me again… back with another recipe that I need some help with haha. My friend and I have been going brew crazy and decide to do a Belgian Quad and incorporate cherries some how. Here is my grain bill, how does it look?
15lbs Belgian Pilsner
.45lbs Special B
.45lbs Crystal 40
.2lbs CaraPils
2lbs Clear Belgian Candi Sugar
At my normal efficiency range aiming for OG around 1.095-1.105. My 3 biggest questions are:

  1. How should I incorporate the cherries? Whole cherries in the secondary? concentrate in the boil?
  2. What yeast does everyone favor?
  3. As far as hop schedule goes just some bittering hops early and call it good? I was thinking Magnum or Northern Brewer?
    As usual I appreciate the feedback as we will be brewing on Thursday and can’t wait to get started! Prost!

Sour dark cherries?  I would look for a puree or make one.

1.  Racking onto fruit in secondary is my preferred method. I prefer puree because it’s exponentially easier to rack to keg/bottles after it ferments. No, DON’T boil the fruit.

2.  WY1762, 3787, and 3864 are all great choices. Pitch @ 62F, hold 63-64F for 3 or 4 days, then gradually warm up to room temp over a few days.

  1. One 60 min addition is all you need for the style.


I don’t know what color you plan on but that grain bill looks like 12 SRM max. Not sure if you want to go darker but you’ll need some kind of color contribution to get that to the upper teens.

One of the recipes I’ve imputted into my excel sheet the other day had a mix of CaraMunich II, CaraBohemian, CaraAroma and Turbinado sugar and I only barely hit 13 SRM prior to calculating the Sinamar amount to get me to 21 SRM.

This would work for you.

It’s very good.

I prefer puree because there is little to no chance of infection. Fresh fruit is difficult to sanitize. I use purees in the secondary. I also agree that one 60min hop addition is all you need.

This year I tried Fastfruit tart cherry concentrate in my Roselare beer. Time will tell. Also tried pomegranate. Thought about raspberry but couldn’t afford it

Man, cascade candi sugar is where its at. And the guy who makes it is pretty cool as well.


1 pint of cherry concentrate added to the primary on day 5-7.  No secondary.  Bottle or keg a week or two later.

1# or 2# of d180 candi syrup.  If 1# then add 1# of regular sugar or turbinado.

Caramunich instead of c40
Add some Belgian Aromatic malt

2 oz of Styrian Goldings at 15 minutes