I brewed my first saison yesterday and used belle saison yeast. The OG was 1.054. I pitched the yeast yesterday around 2pm and the airlock was bubbling every two seconds this morning. About how long should I expect it to take?
I don’t have my notes but I think my recent one went from 1.052 to 1.003 in about a week or less.
Mine took 3.5 weeks. The last couple of gravity points take the longest with this yeast.
Belle is slow at the end but if you feed it a pound of sugar in a qt of water on about day 4 or 5 it seems to finish much stronger.
My last saison with Belle took 7 days to go from 1.057 to 1.002. I started it at 66*. Then began raising the temp after 2 days finishing up at 80* for the last 2 days. Belle looks like it’s done at 1.008, but nope, it will keep on chugging all the way down to 1.002 or 3.
After a week it’s down to 1.003, 1.004 if you add a point for the temperature being 72.
Belle is a work horse of a yeast for me. I typically get down to 4 or less. I’m doing a split batch of a golden wort (1.050’ish) this Sunday, half with Budvar and half with a pack of Belle.
When the Saison reaches high krausen I’m adding sugar; pound, pound and a half, haven’t decided on the amount yet. Hoping that batch gets light and nice and dry.
That sounds like a nice side by side comparison. What’s the hop profile? Helles? Czech Pils?
It was still 1.004 after three weeks when I bottled. I’m liking the taste of it.