Hello everyone! I’ve been brewing beer for about a year now. I’ve made some pretty good stuff and decided that I wanted to try to make cider. Belle Saison yeast seemed like a cool yeast to use. I was thinking of making a 5 gallon batch, add about 4-5 lbs of light brown sugar (I’m going for a decent OG - trying to push the limits), 1 stick of cinnamon, add my yeast nutrient and pitch my yeast; then I’m going to ferment at room temperatures of about 75F-80F. With my beers, I know my fermentation is about 2 weeks, or whenever my FG is consistent for about 3 different readings over the next few days while making sure to properly control my temps. But, with a cider, I keep reading so many different fermentation times and temps, which all seem to range from 2 weeks to several months. I haven’t been able to find clear instructions or recommendations on fermentation times. I also didn’t know if anyone has successfully bottled a cider without making bombs; Can it be done? Or must they be kegged? I do know that using an airlock is not wise (I’m ready with some tubing and a gallon of water for the krausen to spill into). Does anyone have experience with a Belle Saison as the yeast of choice? How did it come out?