I’m brewing a Belgian golden strong on Friday and using Turbinado sugar instead of candi. Thoughts about the best way to add it? Straight to the boil or dissolved first? Some other way? Thanks.
You can add to the boil. Just turn off the heat until it dissolves so it doesn’t burn black on the bottom. This has happened to many people including myself and ends up being a dumper if you burn it. Don’t burn it.
Adding sugars only in the last 5 or 10 min of the boil, as many recipe sheets call for, is bunk. Add it pre-boil. Shut off the heat and stir while adding, as already stated. Adding it pre-boil or with 5 min left in the boil makes no difference whatsoever.
Last time I used sugar was for a tripel using WY3787. 20% cane sugar, OG 1.076. Sugar added at beginning of boil. 1 qt. SNS starter. Attenuated down to 1.004. That’s enough attenuation for me!