I switched to Best pils (and Munich) a few years back after having been a big fan of Durst and before that Weyermann. I find the Best malts easy to use and more flavorful (IMO) that either of the others. Anything else you’d like to know?
I don’t have a whole lot of experience with other pilsner malts to compare to but Best pils is my standard go to pilsner malt and I like it. Just ordered up a new sack last night as a matter of fact.
I like the quality of Best Pils. The grain is always plump and fresh with a really nice flavor. I have been favoring Best over Weyermann, not that weyermann is bad, but I think Best is a little better malt quality. Malt varies from year to year so we’ll see what the future holds but for now it’s Best.
I don’t have much to add, but I picked up a bag of Best Pils a few months ago. So far, so good. I’ve used Weyermann Pils in the past. Honestly, I can’t tell much of a difference between the two. They’ve got very similar extract yields IME.
So much has been said in favor of this Pils malt, I had to buy enough for a PIls. Haven’t used it yet, but am looking forward to it. If it comes out to our liking, then it is time for a sack to, you know, add to the collection. The malt addiction is almost as bad as the hop addiction.