Best Yeast for an Oatmeal Stout?

I am putting together a recipe for an Oatmeal Stout.  I am using a clone recipe for Rogue Shakespeare Stout as the basis, but I wouldn’t exactly call it a clone.  Obviously, the original recipe called for PacMan Yeast.  I can’t source Wyeast, and I don’t think they make that anymore. I’m looking on opinions for a good White Labs yeast for American/Oatmeal stouts.  I was thinking either WLP005 British Ale or WLP013 London Ale.  I am thinking of going with the London Ale.  Thoughts?

Just made an Oatmeal Stout with the Wyeast West Yorkshire strain-1469 and I absolutely love it.  Not sure if White Labs has a comparable strain. I have used WLP005 in an Oatmeal Stout and didn’t care for it too much. Also I would think London Ale 013, may be a bit dry and attenuative for an oatmeal stout for me.  English Ale 002 would work well, and as an off the wall suggestion, try WLP 028, the edinburgh ale yeast.  Its clean, but doesn’t attenuate too much that it would dry things out.

I made one recently with 007 that is fantastic.  I used Golden Naked Oats (crystal oat malt) instead of flaked oats and I believe this helped keep the beer from drying out too much.  Alternatively, you could raise the mash temp.  I like 007 a lot.

I second the 007.  I made Stone’s Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout over Easter and cracked my first 22oz 2-weeks ago and couldn’t believe I actually made what I was drinking.

+3 on WLP007. Basically my house yeast.

I’ve used WLP002 which I like but recently I used WLP007 and also like it, soooo…

Sounds like you’re going for a “West Coast” style stout, not a British one.  I use 1056 for those, so I’d recommend 001 if you’re going White Labs.

If you want a Rogue-ish mouthfeel then I would go with WLP002, but WLP001 will lend a cleaner and dryer profile. Depends on what you would prefer fruitier/silkier or cleaner/dryer?

I would go with WLP002.

I am here:

If you’re a Rogue fan, go for the Pac Man. Its what makes Rogue beers taste like Rogue beers.

I personally do NOT care for that yeast, just for its flavor contribution. But, this is why we homebrew. To tailor the beer to our tastes!

I use 1056 and US-05 w/ my milk stout and coconut milk stout.  I haven’t tried any British style yeasts w/ these, so I don’t have a comparison.  However, 1056 makes a very clean tasting beer.  I recently started using dry US-05 lately w/ these beers and can’t tell a difference between 1056 and US-05.  Maybe the roasted, coconut and sweet flavors mask any difference, although fermentation does start up quicker w/ 1056.  I’m thinking of doing an oatmeal stout and will probably use either 1056 or US-05 for it since I have liked the results w/ my milk and coconut milk stouts.

Yes, but he said he couldn’t source Wyeast.

Although, they (Wyeast) do still make Pacman yeast. However, I don’t like ordering yeast during the dog days of summer, even with a cold pack or two, as I’ve gotten it before almost hot in the shipping box.  :o

Exactly!  I gave up on internet ordering liquid yeast a long time ago.  Even though I can get a NB order in three days, it’s just not worth it.  A liquor store here stocks most common White Labs strains and will special order just about any others for me.  So, I am a White Labs man.  I do use a lot of dry - S-05 and S-04 are used heavily in my brewery.  Chico strain has been the closest thing to a “house yeast” for me.  I don’t want to say I’m turning against it - it’s a danged good yeast, but I have come to see that it is a not a once size fits all.  White Labs has a big selection for a reason - it’s time to play with yeast strains  ;D

Thanks for the succinct distinction, bluesman.  That really clears it up.  I am doing a Porter here in a week or so with London Ale (013) so I will see how I like that yeast.  I’m thinking that or the English Ale or Dry English Ale as several of you suggested.  Thanks for all the help everybody!