Big brew day

Tomorrow is the big day.  It’s big brew day. I am so excited to brew my black ale

I’ll be brewing 12 gal. of tripel

I had to call an audible. I was going to brew a MyBock which would have been a small batch but I kicked a keg recently so need to ensure the draft pipeline doesn’t have any hole in it. That means a full 5 gal batch of Super Chuck Pale Ale. The MyBock will have to wait until the APA is kegged.

That sucks but hey you still have beer to enjoy

That should last a while I haven’t Ventured into anything past 5 gallons yet

A friend is coming over to brew and we’ll split it.  It will still last a while!

That’s a win win then

Our LHBS is hosting this year & we’re hoping for decent turnout from the HBC…

I’m going to split 18L into a triplet of wheats for another yeast comparison: hefeweissen, witbier, and Philly Sour.

Today is the day. I am finalizing my black ale recipe. The only think I know from sure is I’ll be using lager yeast. From what I am reading on the packet dry lager yeast is more forgiving with temps and brülosophy gave me hope to play around with this yeast

I did my big brew yesterday.  An American Wheat and a Sour Mash Ale.  Both are currently bubbling away downstairs.

Have fun today everyone!!


What yeast?  And more forgiving than what?

It’s a-23 dry lager yeast I was reading about this on and brülosophy about the temp range

Cording to some people  say dry yeast is more forgiving than then yeast smack packs

Hope you have better luck with it than I did.  In 23 years and 579 batches, that yeast made the worst beer I’ve ever made.

I don’t think that’s necessarily the case

I hope what I was reading is correct we’ll see how the flavors from the yeast are. Only one way to be sure is to try worst case the bears have beer to drink once I dump it.

I always use dry yeast tho I mostly use us 05 last batch I used us 04. I never had any issues using dry yeast since I get all my ingredients and or kits mailed to me I trust dry yeast more. The trick is always good aeration before you pitch the yeast. That or maybe I have just been lucky

Dry yeast manufacturers say no aeration is needed.  My experience bears that out.

I been doing that since I been brewing with I’ll try not to with my next batch next month I am going for a hazelnut stout. Since I think you are the one who said Rogue uses extract I got extract. Say use  10% during bottling I may go for little bit more for flavoring again just paying around to see what works and don’t work

IMO, the best way to use extracts is to add them to taste.