Happy Big Brew Day!

Headed up to the LHBS to do a brew demo.  The owner is brewing an extract batch, then an AG.  Both Two Hearted Ale clones.  I’m going to brew a small batch of roughly the same beer using BIAB and no-chill.  I did a no-chill Southern brown recently and it camr out really good.  I’m curious how a hoppy beer will turn out.  I think I’ll add some hops right at knockout, or possibly even after the beer cools to 180F.

Happy Big Brew Day! I am headed to a local brewery where my brew club is doing our big brew session. We have at least 20 members brewing, with lots more coming by to hang out.

Happy Big brew Day to all, just got back from my LHBS that hosted a nice day. Not a lot of brewers but we brewed up about 85 gallons and had a great time sampling lots of delicious home brew!

We had a nice Big Brew Day at Southern Brewing today.  I brewed 10 gallons of CAP per Jeff (hopfenundmalz), and Jeff Renner, so this will be Three Jeffs CAP.  Thanks, Jeffs!

Had a great time, met some brewers, talked brewing and sampled of course.  One fellow and is dad had their brewing setup at a shop not two blocks from the shop so we walked down and looke di over.  They had a nice single tier HERMS with two chuggers, three banjo burners and a large plate chiller.  Sweet!  They are working on the electrical now.  These guys are serious.

MY own BIAB came in low OG, I guess not tending it left the temp to drop too much.  That or I had the grain too tight in the bag or something.  The no-chill part worked of course, and I spiked with some DME and a little sugar this morning to get a reasonable OG.  Pitched some alt yeast this morning, I needed to grow that one up again.

Today is brew club, Cinco de Mayo party.  Have some American lager and Vienna lager I brewed for the occasion, they both came out well.  I"m researching something to take for food now.