
Freaking pipes froze while I was at work today. I have a couple gallons for drinking and cooking, but I really wanted a hot shower when I got home.

Time to go baby-sit the space heaters and hope they thaw out in time for me to get to bed at a reasonable hour… :-\

OMG I know what you mean. It’s like FREEZING here. Like, 48 degrees almost.

Hang in Silverton. 
Good thing you have your moon boots.

Only -2 forecast tonight on this side. :-\

Sucks, you guys are way colder we will only be 15 tonight.

Hope nothing is broke.

Boy howdy!  Anything below 72 is just awful!  ::slight_smile:

I thought from the title, Now there is an interesting name for a beer…
Yeah water in the boonies in the winter…not to be taken for granted.

A balmy 45 here. You should see the boots and jackets people are wearing. You’d think we were in Antarctica.

How did you come out on the thaw?

One time I did that “leave the faucet dripping” trick,
and came up with stalactites and stalagmites. ::slight_smile:

13 hours and still no joy. It got down to about -15°F last night though. Leaving the faucets running at night is SOP, but apparently on cold days I’ll need to leave them running 24/7.

Highs in the 20s today though, and sunny. So once the sun comes up I should be able to get things moving.

The heat tape wrap stuff works pretty well.  I used to live in a house with an unheated cave that would freeze up.  I wrapped all the pipes and hooked it up on a timer.  It made my life a lot easier and didn’t cost that much either.

Hope the pipes start running soon for you.


Apparently not that well. :-\

More importantly, I hope you are keeping the beer from freezing!

If it’s that cold out you shouldn’t need to shower!  I shower less in the winter time because I sweat soooo much less.  And you’re single right?

Sucks it’s so cold there because here in eastern Iowa it’s fantastic.  Highs in the 30s and 40s all week, been such a mild winter.  Hope it stays this way for a change, even though I like winter.

Haha I’ve got my hot water dialed in so all I have to do is turn on the hot-tap in the shower. Makes no sense to me to pipe hot water all the way across a cold house then add cold water at the end.

Back in Idaho, it’s been down in the 20’s for highs. Still haven’t put pants on yet this winter. this may be my first winter of all shorts!

A high of only 59 is predicted for tomorrow. I may not even go out of the house BRRRRR.

That sucks…run that water and how. Gotta have a hot shower when needed. Silverton is a cold place for sure…this all comes with the territory. At least the beer Is cold. 8)

Well then. At about 7:15 last night, a pipe (actually, the water meter) burst and started flooding the basement. By the time I had a) located the water shutoff and b) busted the rust loose, there was about 1-4 inches of standing water.

Naturally, I couldn’t get a hold of the plumber (there’s only one in town) until this afternoon. In a way, I was lucky, since all he had to do was swap in a new meter. But I don’t have a pump and the hardware store won’t be open until tomorrow, so I’ve spent all of last night and today bailing water out by hand. The highest spot in the basement is now dry, so I’ve gotten maybe half of it.

Fortunately, there isn’t any sheetrock or carpeting to worry about. Some of my brewing gear got wet/dirty, but it’ll clean up. Some beer that was in cardboard cases will have to find a new home. Does anyone know if it’s OK for coal to get wet?

I’m going to go take my first shower in five days, then have a beer or eight.

Damn…enjoy your shower, then get so drunk you can’t walk…

Sean, coal will dry out and it will go “slack” begin crumbling.  Also it depends on how
much and how deep the pile of coal is…when It gets damp it can spontaneously combust…
If you have a large deep pile of fine powdery coal, I would be very diligent.  It is similar to
the heat that a compost pile generates…and then look out…

Edit: found this link.  Always see smouldering at the coal mine.