Blood orange IPA

I am wanting to make an IPA and add blood oranges or some kind of fruit.

My IPA recipe is 12 lbs 2 row 1 lb cara pills 1 lb crystal 20 1 lb munich
1 oz Chinook at 90 mins 1 oz citra at 20 mins 1 oz cascade at 15 mins 1 oz citra 0 mins 1 oz citra dry hop.
and california ale yeast.

This is a 5 gal batch that will be kegged.

what do you guys think of peeling blood oranges freezing them and adding them to the secondary or maybe juicing them? I dont know how much to add, if its a good idea to freeze or juice them, or when to add them. Whats your guys opinion?


I like juicing blood oranges and getting the peel in there a couple days before packaging.

so when do you add the juice and how much? do you sanitize the peel before or freeze it or something and how much peel do you use?

I added the juice after SG was 60% attenuated.  I added the juice of 6# of fruit.  However that was a 4 gallons of hefeweizen.  I dipped the peels into starsan and k-meta  solutions to remove wild yeast and bacteria.  Then stored in a sanitized zip lock in the freezer until I was ready to crash.