Blue Moon’s latest “crafty” beer. It’s half wheat malt, half sauvignon blanc grape juice. Fairly uninspired, but inoffensive. Not worth the price tag ($8, IIRC). It tastes exactly like a mix of Blue Moon and a sauvignon blanc wine, which is what it is, so I guess that makes sense.
It could be really cool if done properly. I think I’ll try to brew something like that soon.
I rather liked it (the DFH red and white, that is). I can’t say I have very high hopes for the new new “crafty” blue moon, though I’d probably try a bottle just for the purpose of posting a review (but I’m not going to buy a sixer just to post a review).
I had this at the California Beer festival. The wife liked it, but I wasn’t too fond of it. I would have liked them beer and wine separately, but not together.
Good luck on making something similar. I could see a chocolaty stout and a red wine hint going really well together…mmm