I was recently given some misinformation regarding cleaning my boil kettle and have been using a ss scrubby for the past four brews. There is no rust, but should I be worried? Have I ruined my kettle?
Also, I was told I could passivate my kettle. Would Kleen King work?
No, you haven’t ruined your kettle, but use a plastic scrubby in future. Starsan sanitizers are acidic enough to help passivate your kettle. I don’t know what Kleen King is. If your kettle is clean (no residue at all) the stainless will naturally passivate when exposed to the air.
After SS scrubbing my kettle and brewing I did detect a metallic flavor in the beer. After that brew and changing my cleaning regimen I have never had another problem.
Bar Keepers Friends works well too. It comes in powdered or liquid form at your super market. It really helps clean up stainless steel and is supposed help it passivate the kettle.