PSA, don't use scotch brite sponges on SS!

Forgot that those green scotch brite sponges will make micro scratches in SS. Probably doesn’t matter a damn, but thought I’d mention…Nice patina on my new kettle!

At least its better than scratching a plastic fermenter.

I use them with bar keepers friend to clean the inside of my kettle once or twice a year. For anything that would touch the beer post boil, I’d use the nice white pads.

What do you mean, like paddle, etc.?

I use the blue ones for my stainless and plastics. Those are much gentler and won’t scratch the metal. I’ve also used some natural, bamboo-based ones with similar results.

Can the micro scratches lead to rust?

On stainless - nope.  I do what Steve does.

EDIT  -  I’ve had the same 10 gallon SS pot for over 15 years and it hasn’t rusted yet, so I’m assuming it won’t at this point  ;).  Now having said that, there are many different grades of SS allegedly, though I’m not aware of any that will readily rust. As someone who cooks alot, I can vouch for the fact that an iron skillet in a SS sink will leave rust stains on the sink. The sink hasn’t rusted, the iron has leached out of the skillet onto the sink surface, and is easily scrubbed away. You need to be sure to passivate your stainless steel kettle periodically though, as mentioned.

Like a stainless fermenter. Otherwise I use the blue ones.

I really doubt rust will be an issue. Stainless is very resilient. If you are concerned, a starsan soak should passivate it.

I routinely use the Scotch-brite greens on my SS, per the Blichmann manuals and never had any problems.  I’ll use the blue ones too when that’s all I have.  Just don’t use steel wool and I think you’ll be fine.

White for stainless, has been the rule everywhere I’ve worked.

Not that it really matters on the hot side, since it doesn’t need to be sanitary anyway.