Bottle Conditioning with CBC-1

Getting ready to bottle a 9% saison this weekend and I’m planning on adding a small amount of yeast (CBC-1) before bottling.  Would it be sufficient to just rehydrate the yeast before adding it to the bottling bucket, or should I plan on making a small starter the day before?

If making a starter is the correct answer, should I worry about the sugar (DME) in the starter having an impact on my corn sugar quantities for carbonation?

Thanks.  Appreciate your input.

I typically don’t add yeast at bottling, but if you feel the need to do so, simply rack into a bottling bucket with the dry yeast already in the bottom to get the yeast well mixed in the solution.  Starters from dry yeast are not typically recommended; but, rehydration has its proponents among those in this forum (I do neither with dry yeast).

The only time I add yeast when bottling is after the beer has been lagered. I usually lager a beer minimum of 1 month. Then about 1/3 of a dry pack. I consider it cheap insurance.

Yea, the beer has been sitting in a secondary for over a month.  That, combined with the higher alcohol level, makes me just nervous enough to want some sort of insurance.

i used this on a year old sour and it worked like a charm

Sorry if this is too late, but I’ve had pretty good success using these instructions: