can you bottle beer at 4 volumes from a keg with a beer gun? i was thinking maybe if i carb the beer to 4 volumes then at bottling lower the pressure to like 1 psi and fill the bottles very slowly to limit foaming, anyone have any tips on high volume bottling from a keg, cheers
I don’t know if I’ve gone that high, but the key is chilling the bottles. Sanitize, piece of foil over the top, then into the fridge or freezer for a while. That really helped keep foaming down. Same when filling growlers. I always run very cold water through them.
You might think about a longer beer line to the beer gun.
Have every thing Cold! Beer, bottles, beergun, and lines.
I have taken it pretty high before. Expect lots of foaming and some beer loss as well as loss of some of the CO2. And this was even with cold bottles, lines, etc.
Good idea from Hopfen to increase your lines. It may help with the foaming issue.
Wait for polar vortex and bottle outside. There is definitely less foaming when you are bottling outside and it is below freezing.
yeah not really trying to lose too much beer, so i might just back off to 3 vols instead and get everything cold like you all recommended, thanks yall
I just have a couple guys over when I bottle from keg - I let them drink the overspill and have the filling bottle in a small pail or dish to catch it. Then cap on the beer (or foam), as you go! Cold as you can get that bottle will definitely help matters.
You are encouraging them to spill beer. The more spilled beer the more they get to drink! [emoji23]
When I bottle it is usually at 3.7 volumes with a Blichmann beer gun.
Get the beer really cold - at least 35 degrees or less.
Put the bottles in the freezer, sanitized and covered with foil.
Expect quite a bit of beer loss despite these precautions.
Does the job but the beer loss still significant at these higher pressures.
Haha - I don’t trust them with the Beergun yet! I barely trust myself…