I dont usually drink beers brewed without it. It tastes astral and I think my body loves it as well. much more copacetic to my general bio-tome…plus it just keeps on coming on in terms of aging…one hungry little yeast!!! would love some opinions pro/con
When they are good, I love Brett beers. But just as with IPAs, marzens, and saisons, I’ve had some great ones and I’ve had some awful ones. I don’t think Brett/wild/mixed-ferm beers are categorically good. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are in between, just like any other beer.
I do enjoy Brett phenolics but only when they’re mild; they can easily overwhelm, and this is my biggest complaint about the bad ones I’ve had: too much barnyard. This is, of course, highly subjective. I love the fruit esters they make, but of course production of phenolics and esters varies by strain.
Overall I can certainly appreciate what Brett strains bring to a beer. But all the home-brewed ones I’ve had (admittedly not many) have been ho-hum.
As it happens, I’ll be trying my hand at Brett sour in a week or two. My plan is to use B. claussenii to primary ferment, and then add B. bruxellensis and L. delbrueckii in secondary for 6-12 months.
I love good brett beers but I have only made a few over the course of my homebrewing career. The best one was an Old Ale that I drank on for years. It was subtle … IIRC the Brett was already in the pitch I used and was one of those seasonal releases many years ago. Another one was a Berliner Weiss that turned out very nice. Aisde from that I know I have used it a few other times but nothing important enough remember … ormaybe they were bad enough to forget?
I’ve had a few good homebrewed All Brett beers that people have sent me that I have really enjoyed but I never brewed one.
I love Orval so you think I would have brewed an Orval clone but I haven’t.
Saison Brett from boulevard is one of my favorite commercial beers. It’s basically tank 7 with brett added at bottling. I’m going to do something similar soon, kinda halfway between orval and tank 7. I might try something closer to a clone at some point, they publish homebrew notes on their beers now.
I really like Tank 7 with Brett, but it is not available in my area - Tampa. Even Tank 7 is elusive, but I like it as well when it’s available.
Yeah I’m disappointed, with the buyout I believed the party line about getting more beer more places. It’s really hard to find any boulevard beers in Colorado anymore, although I can get tank 7 at least in the grocery stores.
I think they only sell the saison brett right around KC now.
Also, not brett related but they used to make an off-brand pilsner that was great, but that’s been a long time now I think.
I love a well made beer with brett, I enjoy the leather and light horse flavors it provides. Too many brett beers out there taste like an electrical fire or glue, which I find disgusting
I see Tank 7 all over Denver. I haven’t looked too closely for any of their other beers but I know I’ve seen a few. I think Boulevard suffers more from being crowded out by local beer than they aren’t trying to be present in the marketplace.
I’m in a smaller town, although we used to have a very well stocked liquor store with a lot of imports and domestic crafts. Their selection was way better a decade ago than it is now. Others used to have a ton of different beers in general but now instead of carrying the range from breweries it seems like liquor stores here just carry the one or two best sellers from breweries anymore.