Brew day timer

I was digging around over at TBN, and found this little gem. Anyone else who has a brewery computer might like. I have not used it yet, but it looks really sweet!!

I tried an online stop-watch once, but my laptop isn’t very loud and I couldn’t hear it over the pump, vent hood, boiling wort, etc.

If you want to get really automated you can have the computer open and close valves, start and stop pumps, start and stop burners…  Then all you would have to do to brew is stare at the PLC.  If you install SCADA you can brew from anywhere with broadband connectivity.

You could be in Ohio while brewing in Idaho.    :wink:

iPhone/Pad/Pod app anyone? 
It may not be the best option, but I’ve started using it because it works for me and it’s simple.  Has a master time, and timers running in sync of various times for hop additions or infusions. 
The free version you can use for one or the other very easily, if you pay for it you can set up different timers, say one for mash schedule and the other for boil.  hope this helps!

Is there a bacon / pantless option? I’ll be on it if there is!

i use the BDT and love it.


I’m pragmatic too…  :wink:

I just use a $3 Sunbeam wind up timer.  yeah, I’m cheap and low tech

I use an egg timer and mark down every time I flip it.

I’d use a sundial, but it rains a lot here.

I just set alarms on my cell phone. or an egg timer.

I measure my heartbeats against the National Bureau of Standards clock station, WWV to determine how many bpm my heart is beating, and then I just count my heartbeats and do the math.

I call it the modified Ken Kesey LSD method.

and all this time i have just been winging it.  now i have a method, thanks for the tip

I use a digital kitchen timer but I just downloaded the BDT for timing my hop additions. I’ll give it a try. Thanks!  :slight_smile:

I use this triple digital timer.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&biw=1212&bih=619&wrapid=tlif132294210331410&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=7741285824281354008&sa=X&ei=t37aTrSBIcna0QGy1aH0DQ&ved=0CIwBEPICMAE#

I wanted to use multiple retro-style dial timers, but most have bad reviews since new ones use plastic gears that break. Rediculous failure rate.

I’ve used one of these for years: 

I use a cesium fountain clock to time my hop additions, its inaccuracy is δf/f < 1 × 10−19.  NIST-F2 will be calibrated against it.

Haters.  ;D

when I brew in the kitchen, I use the timer on the microwave. Plus I put strips of paper under Pyrex cups with my pre-measured additions, with the time worked out. Ain’t failed me yet!

That’s my method too, I also employ the use of pencil and paper to record said times.

Reduce your carbon footprint.    ::slight_smile: