Brewers Clarex and Gluten

I just heard of a product that when added to the fermentation reduces the gluten levels to .0005 percent. That should be low enough for any celiac person to tolerate.

The product is an enzyme called Brewers Clarex. It is now offered by White Labs.

Here is more infro.

Has anyone tried this. As I have friends with this problem I might try it.

This looks pretty good.  I put a lot of stock on whatever White Labs says.  When it comes to enzymes, the two questions that come to mind are ‘what are optimum temperature and pH?’  I didn’t see any info on this on the links.  I also wonder if it work best in the fermenter, or in the mash during protein rest.

Some of their other enzymes interest me as well.  I like the taste of rye and wheat, but I also like a crystal-clear beer.

Edit: btw, one of the White brothers (the other one, I think) talks about this in a 7/24/2010 episode of the Sunday Session on the BN.