For now…It’s all ready for me to brew in. I’m on hold now till I get some more funds. Here’s the thus far finished product. Kinda hard to get pics of, due to it being not a real big space. Hopefully tomorrow, I’ll get a counter top, and sink in. Maybe even get a burner mounted.
Looks great! That’s some lightnin’ fast construction.
When’s the innaugural brew?
Was hoping to brew this week, but I might have to make a trip to Ohio, early. My dads not doing so well. Guess Ill findout soon enough.
Where’s the saw? Did you use it?
Congrats on the build.
Hope your dad is ok…Where is that exhaust hood?.. Nice cave weeze cheers
Looking good weaze - did the Marilyn Monroe motif.
more impressed that marilyn is looking longingly at the buckeye bed spread.
I hope your father’s health improves.
Very nice so far! Wishing I had a decent basement to use as a brewing space. Oh well, it still serves as a beer/wine/other storage area.
I actually plan to mount the saw right over the bar. I was looking for it last night before I took the pics, but it was pretty dark in the shed. I’ll dig it out today, and get it up.
Dad’s on his way to the VA in Cleveland today. Hope to hear something this evening.
Oh, you know know I’m keeping the Marilyn theme! Next to Holly, she’s my girl!! ;D
Got a little more done today. Now, besides a few minor things like drywall, paint, flooring, running water, cabinet doors, and shelving, I’m all done. This is pretty much where everything will stay. The area under the mash tun will be insulated with 2" foam, and have the ac unit installed for fermenting. And there will be some shelves and door put on under the sink. I Also need to get a couple sheets of Dura-rock to put near the burner area. I had a chunk of counter top left over, so I half a$$ed on top of where the bar will go. All in all, I’m thrilled with how everything has come out so far. It’s even better than I hoped for.
You my freind…are a brewer on a mission!
Very Nice work.
And I bet the last year and a half you guys thought I quit brewin’! Ha!! I was just gearing up!!
I know that I have been sarcastically accused of being “Ray of Sunshine”, but please tell me you have some ventilation in that room where you’re using a gas burner. Just opening the door, may not be enough unless you have a fan running by the door or blowing out the window.
Maybe I’m being too anal, but gas scares me when it’s not vented properly.
Hey weaz…did your hood from the old mancave make the cross country trek from Ohio?
Very cool build weaz.
You mounted your mill on top of a cabinet? Interesting idea… hmmmm…
Suggested name for an inaugural brew - Marilyn’s Märzen.
Lagering weather is there, yes?
Gonna try and answer all your question…The hood did not make it. I’m gonna fab a nice stainless one when I go back in a couple weeks. As far as ventilation…I’ll have the hood to pull, and to big windows right by me for make up air. I’ve brewed with propane indoors many times, and never had an issue. But, I do like to live life on the edge. ;D
As for the mill, yeah, it works like a dream. An ale pail fits in it just perfect. I fabed a little chute from where the grain drops, to center it in the pail. For the top, I cut and bent a piece of 16ga metal, and cut a hole where the mill sits. A couple screws in the back to the wall, and I’m good to go.
Dang that looks like a lot of fun Man, enjoy!
Weaze, can you post some pics of the chute setup? I put one on mine using some pieces of ductwork, but it’s not ideal. I might add a sock or something to it to keep the dust down. The cabinet does that pretty well, but then the inside of the cabinet is covered with malt dust, and I like to store stuff in there when I’m not using the mill.
In our location you must be on guard for these guys (weevels) anywhere you have
grain products, pieces or parts.
Seen as compared to a grain of rice, easily overlooked until one day
it’s too late and then let the clean up begin. And I don’t know about
you but, to have my brew supplies infested with a million or so bugs
would ruin my brew day…Cabinet style malt mills Could be
an open dinner plate for this…but then even the fda allows a certain
percentage of non grain through…
Yep this is when I prefer to do that…ole man winter helps