This was only the second lager I have ever brewed. After brewing the Pious Monk Dunkel recipe I needed to brew something a little easier. The final result was very close to the original.
I just brewed one yesterday. The recipe I used is similar to both the AHA one posted and the BYO on. I use the Imperial Yeast L05 Cablecar yeast. I chill to 55 degrees and ferment at 58 degrees (Fahrenheit). I usually let it ferment 2-3 weeks at this temperature before I do a D-rest. I D-rest at 63 degrees before I put in a keg. Sometimes I lager it and sometimes I do not. It depends on my schedule.
California Common, or Anchor Steam, is a wonderful, underrated beer style. I hope you enjoy yours!
This is one of my favorite styles. I have been an Anchor Steam fan for decades. I started off with a recipe just like BrewBama’s, but I have found that I like it better if I kick it up a bit. Now I use 10 lbs of pilsner malt, 1 lb of Munich, 1 lb of crystal and 4 oz of aromatic malt. It may not taste just like Anchor, but I think it tastes better. It is certainly more intensely flavored without being overpowering or heavy.