Brewjacket Immersion Pro

Anybody out there own one or got some feedback I’m thinking of getting one based on the feedback

Funny you should ask…I just unpacked mine to test it in a bucket of water before brewing tomorrow.

Keep me posted please

I have one and I love it. I mainly use it for lagers but it does a good job of maintaining temperature. Just keep in mind that it’s going to take some time to get to pitching temp depending on how you cool your wort and it only keeps things to 30 degrees below ambient. This isn’t good for cold crashing because it won’t get that cold. Otherwise, it’s great and I love it.

I made my own but, for sanitation reasons, decided to cool a water bath on the outside of the beer rather than stick a cooling rod into the beer itself. The principle is similar, though, and I have learned that the key to good performance is lots of insulation. The less heat that leaks in from ambient the better it will work. Their insulation bag is not good enough. You need a couple of inches of the best foam insulation you can get: start with a picnic cooler with your vessel inside it, and make an insulated top that has a hole just large enough for the top of the apparatus to stick out. If the hole is larger, fill any cracks or gaps with weather stripping or cover with blankets. If you want to cold crash you can put ice water into the cooler to boost the cooling capacity. I use the same cooling module as the Brewjacket and can achieve 34 F with help from some ice, provided the ambient temperature is not above 80 F or so. A thermoelectric module is a very nice, compact and quiet solution for cooling beer and regulating the temperature very tightly, but not as powerful as a refrigerator.

Here is a picture. If you use the brewjacket you won’t need all the stuff to the left of the cooler. I usually wrap blankets around the top, but removed them for the photo. If you make a setup like this for the brewjacket you should be able to lager and cold crash with only minor interventions to add ice.

After 4 days, it’s maintaining temp perfectly.  The fermenter is in my garage, where temps have been varying from 45-85F.  Fermenter sits at 63F, +/- .5 degrees.  I’m impressed.

Thanks Denny I’ll place the order this week

Hmmm, this gadget might keep me brewing when I retire and go full time RVing

I think it would be perfect for that.  A Zymatic for brewing and a Brewjacket for fermenting would be a perfect RV combo.


RV’s are too tight for space and weight to pack in a uni-tasker. If your planning on brewing small, look into thermoelectric coolers. Operate on 12v cigarette style sockets and you can use them to keep groceries cold on long runs into town or for side trips.

One bit of advice… You can’t sanitize the rod with Star San, have to use Iodophor. Unless… you by the rod bags which I highly recommend. They work great and can be sanitized with star san. I still love my immersion pro after 20 batches. :wink:

IMO, people should be alternating between StarSan and Iodophor anyway.