Brew Strong was never a very good show, IMHO. Jamil and Justin and the crew had other great shows for a lot of years, but then in the past 3 years or thereabouts, the whole BN thing just kind of flopped, at least that’s how it felt for me. I don’t listen to any of it anymore, except maybe the occasional episode from 2007-2008 from the good ole days. I agree with others that the crap-to-quality ratio has swung too far. 10:1 isn’t even close. It’s more like 500:1 these days.
As for judges, I might actually have to agree with Jamil (not personally hearing his actual points being made, but anyway…) that there are a surprising number of crap judges out there. I say this, and I myself am a Recognized judge (and a damn fine one, at that – just ask me). Enter a couple of competitions, and you’ll find my opinion about crap judges to be true very quickly when you get scoresheets back that don’t make any sense and/or provide zero useful feedback. Happens everyday, all the time, all over the place.
BJCP will never be perfect. There are too many thousands of judges and we cannot all be policed, nor should we be. We are all entitled to our own opinions based on our own experiences and knowledge base, which have an extremely broad range, and some of us write a hell of a lot more than others (ha ha). All I can try to do as a judge is to dish out the same level of feedback that I would expect if I were entering, or better – go the extra mile and try to make the homebrew world a better place. That’s what I strive for.
Here is a thought: It is possible to be egotistical, AND to be correct, at the same time. Occasionally somebody gets it right. Jamil might be one of those guys. Personally I don’t always agree with everything he says, far from it in fact. But undeniably, he is a pretty smart dude, and he’s accomplished a lot. If it’s all gone to his head, well… can you really blame him? I don’t know. I’m not sure what I’d do in his situation. It’s hard for a camel to get through the eye of a needle and all that. You also need to remember that Jamil is not Jesus. He is not to be worshipped. He is human. Give him a break! You don’t like what he has to say? Offended? Fine, go listen to some other podcast, who cares. If I were him, I’d expect the same response.
Personally my favorite podcast of all time was Craft Brewer Radio with Graham Sanders. He was wrong. A lot. A ton of technical errors. But a lot of good tidbits in there too. And entertaining to listen to. For educational podcasts, Basic Brewing all the way baby. Love that one. It’s very dry, but chock full of good info and minimal fluff. If you don’t like Brew Strong, rest assured – there are many great podcasts out there.