brown malt for porter

I am formulating a new porter recipe. Any input on what % of brown malt would be a good starting point? I am trying not so use too many malts but hear that brown malt is great in porters. Right now I have it at about 8% in addition to two row, munich, chocolate, carafa special, and caramel 60.

I use 8.5% in my BVIP.

Denny, whose brown malt do you prefer?  I have found that too much (as well as too much pale chocolate) give a slight sour note that I do not care for.

Thanks Denny! Looks like I will keep it about where it is for the first attempt.

There seems to be differing versions and colors of brown malt.  I prefer the Fawcett, which is about 70L.

I will be using Bairds which appears to be 60-70 L

Beware that Crisp brown malt includes a bit of smoke in it. I used almost 9% in a brown porter and the smoke was too apparent for a few months.

That is interesting. I wonder how it would be in a recipe for a historic porter.

Did you go to the talk that John Mallett and Andrea Stanley presented at the NHC? They served a historic porter made with malt that was dried over a hornbeam fire. A little smokey, but I really liked it.

Ah! That may explain it.  I was using Crisp Brown and have Crisp Pale Chocolate.  Need to switch to Fawcett!

I bought a sack of Chateau Abbey malt a while ago, which is described as “Belgian brown malt”  at the Castle Malting Co. website.  I used a bit of it in a dubbel that came out very nice.  I will probably use it in a porter this fall.

I was under the impression that this was Castle’s new name for their Aromatic malt.

Yep! I was in there and it was an excellent presentation. The beer made with Andrea’s malt was similar in smokiness with my porter.

No, its definitely more of a brown malt, after using it.

I tend to believe the maltster more than Morebeer…

Martin, I’m hearing a reoccurring theme. If everything produces smoke…

I’m ribbing you, sorry couldn’t resist

Bummer if that’s true. I use Castle Aromatic in a whole lot of my brews. The Briess stuff just isn’t the same.

I know I’ve seen at least half a dozen different shops mention that Abbey is the new name for Aromatic, and I know Castle just renamed just about their entire line of malts. I was assuming that since the Abbey is the new non-caramel malt in the same color range (listed at 17L on their site), then it must be their new Aromatic.