I’m considering getting hop pellets in bulk. How long are they good for if i freeze them. Do you think it would be cheaper than buying when I need them?
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Discount Retailer of Homebrewing Supplies
I’m considering getting hop pellets in bulk. How long are they good for if i freeze them. Do you think it would be cheaper than buying when I need them?
For sure cheaper. Different varieties have different Hop Storage Indexes (HSI). Typical HSI can be found online for each.
Vacuum sealed and frozen they will last quite a long time without degrading measurably. I have opened packs that have been frozen for a couple of years and they’re pretty much like they were when fresh. Once the original package has been opened I try to use them within 2 or 3 months.
As for savings, freight can eat up what you save on the hops if you’re not careful. I just ordered 4 lbs. and they’ll ship in a USPS flat rate padded envelope for $7. I could have got a better deal on the hops elsewhere, but after shipping they would have cost me more.
I’m not worried about freight. I want trying to get anything special. Just the basics. Cascade, citra etc. Lukily we have Amazon prime haha.
I can buy a pound online, pay shipping, and it’s still half of what LHBS charges for a pound, let alone 16 individual 1oz packs. I double vacuum seal and freeze, and they would probably keep a lot longer than it takes me to use them up. Remember, the hop growers and brokers keep them for years. There was a discussion here recently that noted that HSI is based on room temperature storage, and that degradation decreases so much with temperature, that at home freezer temps (0°F) it is negligible, not even worth calculating.
I’ve found hops can be pretty pricy on Amazon, which can more than cancel out the free shipping. Try Yakima Valley Hops, Hops Direct, Hop Heaven (on eBay) or do some more searching. These dealers charge so little per pound, you’ll pay shipping and still beat Amazon Prime. That’s how I pay so much less than LHBS.
Reactions slow by half for every 10°C. So so the HSI should slow to 1/16 of room temp. I also heard on basic brewing that aroma hops destined for end of boil, whirlpool, or dry hopping may loose their alpha fast, but the aroma holds. That means less impact overall impact.
Edit - corrected fraction.
I’m not worried about freight. I want trying to get anything special. Just the basics. Cascade, citra etc. Lukily we have Amazon prime haha.
I can tell you for a fact that Hops are not stored refrigerated or frozen at Amazon fulfilment centers. I worked in one in the Western Nevada Desert for several years where evaporative coolers were used rather than air conditioning and it wasn’t rare for temperatures inside to approach 90 degrees quite often. Quite often the hops are actually coming from a home brew supply that just advertises and sells through Amazon, so improper storage is not always the case. Look closely at the description on the product page to find out who you are buying from and who is shipping the product.
Good prices on Bulk Hops, Grain and everything else.
Discount Retailer of Homebrewing Supplies
Also check out Freshops. I get my Amarillo cones from them. They ship quickly in a USPS flat rate box and the quality is always good.