Not what you think. I only use pellets, and I vacuum pack and store in the freezer. It’s time to purge my freezer so I can get some fresh stuff, we’ll, because I feel like it. So here comes an IPA! I don’t brew very many but all the pod casts I’ve heard lately have me jonesing.
97% Golden Promise
3% Carahell, because I like it. It’s become my secret sauce in almost everything not dark.
30 grams Chinook at FWH
50 grams each of Vic Secret, Simcoe, Centennial, and Mosaic at 160f whirlpool for 20
50 grams of those 4 in fermentor at day 4. Seeking the mythical bio-transformation
50 grams of those 4 in fermentor at my first FG sampling.
Crash but No gell, keg and go.
To my calculation, that’s a bunch. Like 7lbs per bbl. Double the amount in the AHA PTE clone recipe.
Am I going to die? Lose feeling in my toes? Will I need a SCBA to be near this beer?
Hey Jim, not a direct response, but a question. I’ve always heard that pellets, once opened up (from the nitro-purged 1# packs) deteriorated even faster than whole cone. So I used to buy whole in bulk and vac seal and freeze, but when I succumbed to pellets I just started buying by the oz. at LHBS. Have you found any real problem with long term storage if you break 'em down and vacuum seal the pellets? This could be life changing.
Absolutely not. They come in one pound Mylar, straight to my freezer. I open and measure out what I need, then throw mylar and all info a foodsaver bag and vacuum seal. Back to freezer. I’m not noticing any deterioration in quality up to two years. Of course, this is personal experience subjective, and not scientific proof. I’m not sure you could prove it, since 2 yr old hops are not the same crop as brand new stuff.
In short, buy in pounds and vacuum pack. You’ll love it. It’s a way of life
Cool. I switched to pellets just because cones were getting so hard to find in good quality and variety (market forces I guess) but I’ve happily adapted over a couple of years. Not buying in bulk, I found it kinda nice to have room for, say, actual food in my freezer, but pellets don’t take much space! I’ll have to order me some!