calcium chloride

Hello…a technical question for you guys…is there a real difference if i am using calcium chloride anhydride for adjusting my water salts instead of using calcium chloride dihydrated?


If it’s truly anhydrous, you’d use 75% as much by mass as if you were using the dihydride.

so it does not represent a big issue in using either anhydrous or dihydride? for example, what does brun’s spreadsheet consider?

It assumes the dihydride version.  Anhydrous is tough to keep ‘anhydrous’ since its highly hygroscopic.  It will suck moisture out of the air quickly.  The dihydride will too, only a little less vigorously.  Dihydride is the typical version you can get at the LHBS.

What is the assumption on Epsom salts? I assume it is MgSO4·7H2O.

Just curious.

From what I know most brewing water calculators use the hydration forms of the salts as shown next to the salt name here:


Thanks Kai and Martin. Curiosity is satisfied by the answers.