Brewing Salt/Water Related Question

Can anyone tell me which type of solid form CaCl2 is typically sold by homebrew stores?  I purchased LD Carlson.  I am assuming it is dihydrate but want to make sure I am inputting the correct one.

I really cannot answer your question, but after a quick check, Martin’s Brun’Water suggests choosing anhydrous unless you specifically know that it is dihdrate to avoid overdosing your water

+1 - he mentions that the uncertainty is why he recommends making a CaCl solution. Haven’t bothered with this yet. No reason beyond my process is pretty autopilot and I don’t want to change right now.

Thanks for the help guys.  I just got the “donation version” of Bru’n Water and in it is says that dihydrate is the most common type and when I referred back to my old version of BW the numbers matched when plugged in as dihydrate. I am going to try to call LD Carlson for clarification and I will post my findings

Just spoke to customer service at LD and it is anhydrous. I probably read the hovering cursor wrong. Thanks again!

This is only if you want to be absolutely EXACT. I’m okay with being a few ppm’s off.

And of course I had to question how much moisture is absorbed over time to alter the calculation…but let’s not bring that up again…