Calypso hops - Where should I use these?

I won a lb of calypso pellets at a homebrew competition and I have no idea what sort of beer to use these in.  Has anyone used them?  I’ve never really heard much about them but since I’ve got them, I may as well put them to use. 
Alpha is 12.8%

I got some last year and have tried them in a couple of beers.
I made a single hop APA and didn’t like the bittering qualities. It was pretty harsh, but not in a good way like Chinook. The aroma is interesting and I think they’d mix well with a floral hop like Styrian Goldings The other beer was a Belgian pale with WL515, that was okay but nothing stood out.

They smelled very strongly of pear when I opened the bag, but that hasn’t come through in the beers.

I noticed the pear aroma when I bought them…But it didn’t come through.  However, I made a Calypso/Palisade IPA basically, equal portions of bittering, flavor, aroma, dry…  1 oz each at 60, 1 oz each at 20, 1 oz Palisade at 5.  And then dry hop with 1 oz each for 7 days, it was the most interesting/unique IPA I’ve ever had.  Actually, I need to make this again soon!