First brew going on day six right now. It’s the mangrove jacks spiced apple cider five gallon kit. It says I should let it ferment for at least six days.
I have noticed a new beer smell from the carboy since yesterday.
Is it against a rule, or ruin my batch if I pop it open and test the gravity??
Do you have an airlock on it? If so is it still bubbling at all? Normally if theres no bubbling at all, and it looks to be clearing up, then it might be done and it makes sense to measure gravity.
If its bubbling most likely its not done so the gravity sample would be kind of a waste. I’d wait till it stops bubbling at least. Also, a lot of brewing recipes have days/weeks scheduled. Ignore them, they are ballpark only, and probably only represent what the recipe writer usually sees. Yeast cant read calendars and rarely follow the same schedule every time. I look for lack of airlock activity, then lack of activity in the fermenter. If theres no bubbles and it looks like the yeast are settling out of solution, its getting towards done.
There is no reason not to test the gravity of your brew, at any time. Plus especially as a new brewer, testing and tasting your beer as it ferments will only give you more information and understanding of your beer and the brewing process. Just practice good sanitation with a thief to pull the sample.
This post is slightly old, but wanted to throw out an idea. I pull a pilot bottle when I put it into the FV. I plug the neck with a paper towel. This bottle already has the yeast and will ferment ‘like’ the rest of it. I used this for gravity readings until I am ready to bottle. I take final gravity from the FV at bottling.
Once it settles down I plan bottling day, and chill the pilot bottle for drinking/sampling, if it is in good shape. This way I can keep the opening of the FV to a minimum.