Can I use Munich/Pilsen LME as a base malt?

Got a deal on some Munich LME from one of the big online homebrew stores; it comes in 4lb foil pouches, and it is listed as 50% Pilsen malt and 50% Munich. I bought it on a whim based on the price with no plan of what to make with it. I tried a simple english ale with it and it turned out waay maltier, extract-ier, and darker than what I expected and online calculators predicted.

Now I am wondering if the deal was because they were past their shelf life (no date on the bags); I can’t even find a recipe on their website that uses it. I bought a bunch - any recommendations for using this stuff would be appreciated!! I should add that I tend to stick with pale ales, brown ales, and stouts when I homebrew.


I think you could make a few things like, Munich Dunkel, Dunkel weissen, maybe a doppelbock. All of those are pretty malty beers. I’m not exactly sure what you have or how much of what you have but you could also probably make a barley wine with it. I’d just play around with it.
A brewery by me once had bags of Munich get recalled and I ended up with 200lbs of Munich. I still have about 70 after a year so. You can always add a few in every batch.

Might be good for porter and stout, where the dark malty flavors accentuate the beer rather than distract. Supplement with dark roasted malts of course to get the typical porter or stout flavor.

You also could use either as a base for a pale ale or IPA