Has anybody ever tried using munich instead of pale malt as the base for a stout? Is there any reason it wouldn’t work? Seems to me like it would make a really nice malty tasting beer.
I think it should work. the munich isn’t as diastaticly powerful as pale malt so if you’re using much in the way of non-diastatic adjuncts besides roast grain you might want to include a bit of pale malt for enzymes. Or mash longer
A few weeks back I posted something about using a substantial proportion of Best Dark Munich in a 1.050ish dry stout as being the best dry(ish) stout I ever tasted. You could certainly go 100% Munich, but as mort says, a little pils might help dry the beer our some.
Still have that beer on tap, on nitro, and it is wonderful! Have 5 gallons in a pin I am saving to put on beer engine for St. Patties Day.
I have the opinion that the light Munich malt is similar to English Mild malt. I’ve used that in several beers and substituted as necessary when the LHBS is out of one or the other.
I wish I could find some organic light munich malt. The Organic stuff both from Weirmann and gambrinus is 10L so dark munich. stil great stuff but I would like to try some of the 5-7l stuff.
I made a Dusseldorf Style Altbier with Munich as the base malt and it scored a silver medal at a local homebrew competition. I was doing an experiment with it to see how it would turn out. Changed a few ingredients around and still ended up with a great beer.