Can't open Bru'n Water

I fished the supporter version of Bru’n Water out of my spam folder, keep trying to open it. Excel says “Your file cannot be opened because it is protected with a password.”  E-mailed Martin and he says no password is needed, doesn’t know why my program is saying that.  Any idea what gives? (At least the free version works!)

Robert, aren’t you running the program on your phone? The supporter’s version does have macros which probably won’t run on the Excel phone app. The macros perform the save and recall feature for archiving your water and grain recipes. If you can live without that feature, you could probably save it as a version without macros and it might run on a phone.

True, the app won’t run macros.  But the odd thing is that it won’t even open the file at all.  Keeps giving the same message about password.  Maybe there’s a problem with my app. FWIW everything to do with my MS Office account seems not to be working correctly.
  For now, at least, the free version is working well for me, and I can save copies of it with my edits to store recipes.  Good workaround.  Love Bru’n Water,  glad I finally tried it!