CAP Recipe ideas?

I want to start getting better at making my own lager recipes. I am doing a german pils then going to reuse slurry for a CAP.  Now I know the yeast doesn’t justify it as a CAP but, I have a bunch of flaked maize I will most likely never use.  HEre is recipe and any guidance will help:

5gal batch
10lb Pils
2lbs Flaked Maize
.5lbs Carapils
1oz Cluster 60min
1oz Saaz FWH
1oz Saaz 5min


Was going to ferment at 50 for 3 weeks then lager at 38 for another 1-2 months.

i don’t know what a CAP is but i’m guessing it’s something like a north american industrial lager?  if that’s the case, it looks like there will be a LOT of flavor.  when i break a new yeast in(ales are all i brew) i usually make a very light beer.  maybe 5lbs pale malt, a pound of cornstarch, a big box(28 oz.) of pre-cooked rice and maybe an ounce of willamette (half at 60 min and the balance at 10 min.).  they usually come out very american tasting for the folks i know who drink the industrial stuff.  the flaked corn will give a similar flavor as the corn starch.  enjoy

See , , and .

To me it has to be 6-row


The problem is I never get 6-row and just got a sack of pilsner I want to utilize.  So it won’t be technically a Classic American Pilsner but, doesn’t matter to me that much.  Plus I only do singe step so 6 row wouldn’t work for me.  Thanks guys for responses and thanks Denny for links.

You can do single infusion with 6 row, so no worries there, but if you’ve got pils malt to use, go for it!  Get some 6 row down the road, brew it again, and compare.

Thats how I found out
Brewed one with 2 row and then me and a buddy got together (he had a sack of 6 row) and brewed one using the 6 row.

Both were all Cluster hops

If I could get away with using all cluster I would be very happy since I have that on hand?

I bought another pound of Cluster hops just for CAP’s

Is it better to say use magnum as bittering and cluster for maybe the FWH and late additions with the CAP?

Yeah, thats what I’d do to save the Cluster
I bittered them with Horizon

Then that is what I will do.  Thanks guys!!  I really want to broaden my horizons and try more and more lagers.  Even though they aren’t my favorite beers around.  My water is kind of harder so might do first one with my water and maybe second diluted with 2 gallons of distilled.  This good idea?

6-row and 2007 for yeast will make a good CAP ;D

Yeah, next time.  Want to make use of this pilsner grain.  I never get 6 row.  Maybe I will grab some to try in pilsner sometime.

I have a CAP on tap right now that was brewed with Pils and polenta.  I have another one lagering for which I used 6-row and flaked corn.  Other than the different grain bill, they are pretty much identical in all other respects.  I can’t wait to compare them side by side!