Why the wheat? As Jeffy said you want some corn in there.
Why not use some Cluster early. That is a signature of the style, unless you detest Cluster. Saaz late works for me. If you were to compete with this, get the IBUs up to 38-40.
1.5 oz Saaz
2 oz Perle
1 oz Strisselspalt
2 oz Ahtanum
2 oz Cluster
And about 15# of Rahr Premium Pilsner on hand.
What can I make with those ingredients? And a wlp800 (Pilsner lager) yeast.
It doesn’t have to be a CAP. I just figured my ingredients weren’t good for German or Czech Pilsners. I won’t be putting it in a contest.
The recipe I made in the original post was just a guess but I felt the late Saaz wasn’t enough hops late. I wonder what of those other hops might go with the Saaz late. Or other suggestions are also welcome.
PS. The wheat was just something I have in the brew closet. I thought it might help with head retention. It is not necessary.
You can use the wheat if you want, I probably wouldn’t. Strisselspalt is a great finishing hop when fresh for pilsnesr style beers. I’m not much of a fan of Perle (kind of minty to me) but I know folks who LOVE them. Saaz is hit or miss, I don’t like them myself thought I’m a huge fan of Pilsner Urquel if fresh. Ahtanum - that’s a citrussy type hop. And not one I care much for. I’m not very familiar with cluster of of late.