Carafa Dehusked/Special and Bru'n Water

If I assume that carafa dehusked/special is a roasted malt, will Bru’n water be reasonably accurate?  Since dehusked carafa is not nearly as roasty as regular roasted malts, it seems that dehusked carafa could also be less acidic than regular roasted malts.

That is a good question. I have been using it in Bru’n Water as a regular roasted malt without a second thought.

It dropped the pH for me when I used a malt labeled “debittered black malt” from my shop (the clerk couldn’t tell me the brand but since their breiss heavy and 500l I assume it was black prinz). But lately my RO water has been pushing my pH down more than predicted so that may have affected things.

With brunwater, I have always treated the dehusked/huskless (midnight wheat) malts the same as any other roasted malt of equal color and things have come out as predicted. The real question for me is… What effect does Sinamar have on the wort or mash or wherever you add it?